Dr. Fernanda Pedrosa is a resident physician at Albany Family Medicine in Albany, NY. She was born and raised in Brazil and immigrated to Miami, FL, when she was 20. While in Florida, Dr. Pedrosa attended the Florida International University in Miami, where she studied psychology. Following this, she attended the Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, NJ. During her clinical rotations, she fell in love with family medicine and how it encompasses all areas of medicine and goes beyond by incorporating the behavioral and social aspects of care. During this time, Dr. Pedrosa volunteered at free clinics and provided healthcare to Camden, NJ’s underserved and homeless population. Here, she explored her passion for working with the underserved population through working with undocumented immigrants who don’t speak English and live below the poverty line. Dr. Pedrosa’s interests are broad, focusing on primary care in all aspects. She is excited to explore all that family medicine can offer in Albany, NY. Outside of medicine, Dr. Pedrosa enjoys spending time with her husband, Victor, and their baby boy, Matteo, walking her two hyperactive dogs, and having friends over to eat and play board games.